Dale Foster recently purchased a 125 lbs per day FodderTech system, model EZ125W. We spoke with him regarding his experience implementing the system on his small hog operation, “Foster’s Pig Farm” in Sanger, Texas.
FT: Tell us about your farm?
DF: “I have a total of nine pigs now. One Boar and three sows and five new piglets. They are pasture pigs with around 4 acres to roam. I raise them to sell for butchering and or whatever they want to utilize them for. I’ve been farming for almost 3 years now and enjoy every bit of it. I started out with only two pigs and look forward to growing my stock.”
FT: When did you hear about hydroponic fodder and why did it appeal to you?
DF: “I heard about it around five months ago. The fresh food and production rate was what appeals to me.”
FT: Has it been as easy to use and mold-free as advertised?
DF: “Absolutely.”
FT: How much time per day do you spend on growing, harvesting and maintenance?
DF: “30 minutes.”
FT: It looks like you’re operating your system in a small shed. Where are you housing it?
DF: “I converted a stall in my barn.”
FT: Has it cut your feed bill?
DF: “Yes it has cut it almost 75%”
FT: We usually recommend barley, but you’re using wheat. How does that work for you?
DF: “I’ve had great results with the wheat grass. Every harvest has produced from the beginning.”

Fodder nearly ready to harvest
FT: Do you think the idea of fodder fed pigs will appeal to your customers?
DF: “Absolutely. Everyone who has seen it is blown away. You’d think I had the first automobile. Most everyone has never heard or seen of such a system.”
FT: We’d love to circle back in a few months to find out about the results with your hogs, but have you seen any positive results in the few weeks you’ve had the system?
DF: “My hogs are on their third week of feeding from the system. I feed one tray in the morning and one in the evening. Already I’ve notice a change in their skin and spots. It appears to be more vibrant. Also they seem to all have better attitudes. Wheat grass is full of all sorts of great elements and trace minerals. I have also started juicing my wheat grass and can feel a great difference in my body. So I know it has to be great for my pigs.”