FodderTech sprouts can dramatically improve the profitability of a farmer or breeder of most animal types. With the rising cost of grain, corn, and alfalfa FodderTech can show you how feeding sprouts will reduce costs to operate a farm enough to pay for the equipment necessary to sprout.
Call a representative about replacing grain on your farm now
Nutritional benefits
Sprouts are affordable to feed. Even still they are a premium feed that offer unique advantages to many animals. Most nutritional benefits to animals will result in increased revenue for the farm:
Meat – Beef, poultry, pork, fish, etc
- Faster weight gain – faster finishing – cycle herd faster
- Increased fertility – larger litters
- Lower feed bill
- Better marbling and quality – higher resale value
- Lower feed cost per lb of gain
- Improved heath, lower vet bills
- Heavier, longer lactations
- More and higher quality eggs
- Higher milk volumes
- Higher butterfat totals
- Lower feed costs
- Increase in milk revenue totals
- Increased fertility – fewer replacements
- Improved herd health & longevitiy
- Reduced involuntary culls
Fibers, wool
- Heavier coat
- Shinier coat
- Improved quality of wool
- Higher fertility
- Less teeth wear
- Fewer Parasites
Grass Fed and Organic
Sprouting converts cereal grain into cereal grasses. Talk to a FodderTech specialist to learn about how to sprout organically. Supply premium quality, all-natural grass fed, or organic products by switching feeding systems to FodderTech sprouts. The sprouts offer an all natural, extremely healthy formula that will result in marketability in niche industries.